Fastando i Brdson su srodni potezi, osim što Fastando uključuje konkretniji kontakt struna sa žicom koji stvara veći prostor za eksperimentisanje sa šumom i neodređenim – soničnim teksturama.
Donji registar instrumenta podrazumeva drugačiju artikulaciju, ali poseduje konkretniji opseg sul ponticello zvukova. Potez zahteva nešto veći opseg pozicija nego Birdson, ali kao i on podrazumeva u potpunosti opušten palac leve ruke. Fastando pruža veliki spektar dinamičkih mogućnosti od gotovo nečujnih pokreta i mikro-tonalnih elemenata do agitovanih fraza koje uključuju pokrete bliže detašeu.
fast movements of both hands, left hand in high positions chasing random harmonics, hums and noise, involving sul tasto and sul ponticello as much as possible
Fastando could be called a bass Birdson, only that more concrete contact with the string allows more experimentation with noise and textures and gives away more pleasant harmonics range. Because the lower strings are less articulate then the highest, this stroke asks for more color combining between sul tasto and sul ponticello, it looks for bigger position range, from 3rd up, and same as Birdson needs completely loosen left hand thumb. The stroke has wide range of dynamics possibility, from silent movements closer to sound texture to agitated phrases involving strokes closer to détaché or even legato phrases.