Kao što samo ime nagoveštava potez se zasniva na odvijanju i navijanju žica ozvučenih gudalom u predelu ispod kobilice – na krajevima navoja. Potez sadrži zanimljiv frekvencijski efekat zbog male dužine žice na kojoj se interveniše. Pruža gust alikvotni šum, visoke frekvencije i šum blizine kobilice.  

Važno je obratiti pažnju na granicu navijanja žice, ne prelaziti preterano prirodni opseg jer je moguće pucanje ali i ozbiljnije oštećenje instrumenta usled prevelikog otpora, kobilice pod pritiskom. 

winding and unwinding the string same as in regular Coiluncoil only this time playing it with the bow placed bellow bridge and over the string ends

Quite attractive stroke because of its frequency range boosted bellow bridge. Works best on two lower strings but it can be applied on all. Unwinding the string can harm the bridge so it is important that performer gets familiar with this
 stroke before used on actual performance. Avoid winding the string beyond few tones from its natural pitch.