Nežno trljanje kobilice vrhovima prstiju. Posebno je atraktivan pokret – šum kože po kobilici ukoliko je instrument amplificiran. Obzirom da se ugrađeni pikap ponaša gotovo kao piezzo disk treba voditi računa da dodir bude nežan i kontrolisan. Ozvučena kobilica daje i zanimljive perkusivne efekte okidanjem ivica, pomeranjem odvijene žice pod 90 stepeni po vrhu kobilice, grebuckanjem noktima i struganjem, i to sve može da potpadne pod potez Visking.

gently rubbing the bridge in slow and medium speed movements using finger tips

This stroke is especially effective if the instrument is amplified through a pick up mic embedded in the bridge. In that case direct contact with the pick up that behaves almost as piezzo disc gives huge range of percussive possibilities. Also big precaution is necessary not to produce loud and sudden kicks that can beside interpretation also ruin PA system. 

Without pick up mic this stroke is really quiet and can be properly used duplicated in ensemble or on a recording session. To investigate full range of sounds player can try triggering edges and wholes on both sides of the bridge and use nails to evoke different colour.